What are the 2 Main Types of Marketing?

The two main types of markets are consumer markets and commercial markets. However, there are others, such as government markets, institutional markets, and global markets. Consumer markets offer products to help people earn a living, while commercial markets sell goods and services to other businesses. Marketing is the way your company shows your target audience how your products or services can solve their problems.

There are two main categories of marketing: offline and digital. Offline marketing consists of advertising that takes place on television, radio and the press. Digital marketing is any type of advertising that occurs online. Both work together to get your message across to your audience.

This is important because the more a potential customer sees your ads, the more likely they are to buy your products or services. To keep things simple, here are 18 common types of marketing that have been developed, tested, and tested by generations of marketers from diverse industries. You can find examples of the 18 types that are around you. They are constantly being copied and “remixed” to win the hearts of customers. Somewhere on this list could even be the marketing success of the next company that will change the world.

Each of them is different, but most can be used in parallel to form a bulletproof growth engine. Marketing is the process of creating desirable products or services and distributing them in a way that increases their attractiveness.

Digital marketing

is a general term for any type of promotional activity that uses the Internet as a messaging channel. Consequently, even two different marketing tactics, such as SEO and PPC, are considered digital marketing. This term is often used to differentiate a category of tactics from offline marketing. At Ahrefs, we use a variety of digital marketing tactics and tools to share our experience in SEO and marketing and promote our product.

Often, a particular topic, such as an SEO checklist, is used in a blog post, then reused on other platforms and promoted through different channels; all of that is digital marketing. Here's a tweet with the SEO checklist compressed into an infographic. Unlike digital marketing, offline marketing (often referred to as traditional marketing) is a general term for any type of marketing done without the use of the Internet. If an advertisement is published in a paper magazine rather than in an online magazine, that's offline marketing. Similarly, if you send a personalized message via direct mail instead of by email, that's also offline marketing. While words like “offline” and “traditional” may give the impression that this type of marketing is a thing of the past, advertisements in print magazines or between television programs have not yet disappeared.

According to Statista, television commercials continue to have the greatest reach among all types of commercials. Between 1999 and 2002, the brewing company Anheuser-Busch promoted its Budweiser beer with a television commercial that became a popular culture phenomenon. Inbound marketing is a marketing strategy that aims to “attract customers with relevant and useful content”. To better understand this term, let's compare it to outbound marketing. While outbound marketing tries to reach the customer with a message that “interrupts” (for example, through cold calls or cold emails), inbound marketing focuses on providing content that customers find useful when they search for it online. For example, a customer searches for something on Google and finds a relevant item on a company's website. Ahrefs' free tools, such as the free backlink checker, are designed as a form of inbound marketing. Outbound marketing is a “disruptive” form of marketing in which a company sends a message about a product to a potential customer through cold calls, cold emails, direct mail, most forms of advertising etc.

Outbound marketing attempts to publicize a product or inspire action (for example, by placing billboards in Times Square).Places like Times Square in New York are examples of how outbound marketing is peaking both in terms of the space used to transmit the message and the budget needed to transmit it. Some of what you can see in the image below is outbound marketing through billboards. Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing content to attract and retain customers. Content marketing is generally practiced as a form of inbound marketing where content offers a solution to a problem that a potential customer is investigating. Potential customers discover the promoted products by learning about their applications. Content marketing is often used to generate leads where the most premium content is stored behind a form where personal information such as name phone number or email is requested. Later on that information is used for other marketing tactics (including outbound advertising). Organic results are pages that a search engine like Google finds crawls and indexes in its SERPs. Position in organic results cannot be bought it can only be influenced through content marketing and SEO. To capture investors' attention by testing scalable growth tactics The table below explains the differences between growth marketing “traditional” marketing and growth hacking. But I want to point you in the direction of Notion's growth marketing strategy because it seems to be right in almost every aspect of growth marketing.

In addition it has been analyzed dozens of times making it a great example for entrepreneurs and marketers to learn It does growth marketing but it's not a black hat growth trick It is growing rapidly but its strategy focuses on the customer does not compromise the brand and aims for the long term. Notion users create templates that attract attract and retain other users Many of these new users will create and share their own templates continuing the cycle This is a graphic from Foundation that perfectly explains how this tactic affects the entire marketing funnel and forms a growth cycle. B2B Marketing or business-to-business Marketing refers to the Marketing of products or services by companies to other companies Marketers often use this term.

Amber Reynolds
Amber Reynolds

Typical internet junkie. Typical music trailblazer. Extreme web practitioner. Amateur music guru. Extreme beer advocate.